Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

St. Andrew’s puts inclusion at the forefront of everything it does- ensuring children receive a high-quality education that is adapted to their needs so that they can reach their full potential and succeed both in school and also within the wider community.  

Through our motto of Learning For Life, Aiming for Excellence and Guided by God, we ensure children are taught the skills and values needed to contribute positively to society and lead a happy and well-balanced life. Through our Golden Rules, children are taught Christian values that support them to make the right decisions and treat others how they wish to be treated. Through our Skills for Life, children are taught the independent and collaborative skills needed to succeed both academically and socially.  

Inclusion addresses the needs of all pupils- including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)- which can be specific needs like dyslexia, emotional and behavioural needs, vulnerable pupils, disadvantaged pupils, pupils with physical disabilities and also those who need further adaptation in subjects where they excel. 

Through Quality First Teaching, and using the support of the Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice, staff at St. Andrew’s ensure that children’s needs are met. Where children need further provision, processes are in place to support both them, their families and staff working with them, to adapt and scaffold learning and the environment to meet their needs.  

If you have any questions that are not covered below please either contact the school office or Mr Sam Bacon (Inclusion Leader/SENCO - sbacon@standrewsnuthurst.co.uk) who will be happy to assist.

Please see the following policies and documents for further information: 


Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy 

Equality Policy

SEN Information Report

Accessibility Plan

Bereavement Policy

Learning Mentor

SENDIAS Education Partnership Protocol

St. Andrew's Provision Map

St. Andrew's Graduated Response

St. Andrew's SEN Roles of Staff

West Sussex Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice

West Sussex Local Offer

Inclusion Newsletters:

Spring 1 - 2024

Spring 23

Summer 1 23

Summer 2 23


Parent Carer Forum:

In October, we hosted our first Parent Carer Forum, open to all families at both St. Andrew's and beyond. We were delighted to have speakers from SENDIAS, West Sussex Parent Carer Forum, Samaritans, Beyond Autism and Reaching Families. It was a great success and families and professionals from across West Sussex were in attendance. 

Please see PowerPoints and information that were shared below from the different speakers:



Reaching Families

Beyond Autism

West Sussex Parent Carer Forum


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