Welcome to Hastings Class!

Topic Web & Topic Overview
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We are Hastings Class (Year 2)! Our teacher is Miss Salter and we are supported by Mrs Manktelow (LSA), Ms Stamatiu (LSA) and Mrs Miles (LSA). 
Our topic for this half term is: The Race to Space!


Maths homework is set weekly on a Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. Homework enables children to practise and consolidate new skills. In addition to this, and very importantly, children should read aloud daily. Please record what you read into your reading journals.

Please ensure children come into school wearing their PE kits every Tuesday and Wednesday for PE with Mr Bacon.


If you have any queries, concerns or want to arrange a time to come in, please feel free to contact Miss Salter by emailing asalter@standrewsnuthurst.co.uk or email the school office. Alternatively, you can send messages via the Dojo platform.

 YR2 Grammar Glossary