Lewes Class - Science Museum
Lewes CLass year 3/4
Welcome to Lewes Class!
We are Lewes Class! Our class teacher is Miss Austin, and we have Mr Bacon on a Wednesday afternoon.
This term we are looking at History, and we are focusing on WWII. We will be learning all about what life was like for children during World War 2.
Homework enables the children to practise new skills, carry out independent research and learning, consolidate and learn spellings and multiplication tables.
Homework is set on Thursday and due by Tuesday.
- Maths - weekly arithmetic/consolidating tasks (online)·
- Spellings & grammar (online).
TTR Online (weekly times table tasks) is set on a Monday and due by Sunday.
In addition (and very importantly):
Daily reading, preferably with an adult (following a reading pathway in back of reading record). Take a look at the 100 books to try and read list on the school website.
Weekly 20 mins Time Tables Rockstars 'By the end of Year 3, pupils are expected to know their 2,3,4,5,8 and 10 timestables; and by the end of Year 4, pupils will have learned all these, as well as their 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12. They then have the opportunity to showcase their excellent multiplication skills in the National Multiplication Check, which takes place in June every year, for Year 4 children.
If you have any queries, concerns or want to arrange a time to come in please feel free to contact Miss Austin at or through the school office.